Hey there! I’m Harpreet, and I’m all about creating a Healing Space (HS Therapy) right here in Ontario, Canada. A place where you can be unapologetically yourself, delve into the real stuff, and maybe even share a laugh or two along the way. 

Before we dive deep, here are a few quirky bits about me so we start on a familiar note:

  • I've got a thing for bold coffee and bold conversations.

  • Medicine social worker by day, empowering therapist by twilight.

  • Celebrating your wins, big or small, is my jam. 

  • First-generation immigrant here – I've walked the walk of dual identity and cultural complexities.

  • Nurses, I see you. Working alongside you has shown me the ins and outs of your world.

  • I'm likely to pull out the emotion wheel during our sessions, but don’t be surprised if you start asking for it!

"At the end of the day, what are you really scared of? " - Harpreet Sahota

Why It's Tough to Ask For Help

I get it. Feeling like you’re not enough, battling imposter syndrome, or just tired of putting others first? It’s hard admitting these things to yourself, let alone a stranger. 

Reaching out for help can even feel like climbing a mountain when you're already exhausted. You're faced with decisions, from career paths to personal choices like marriage or children, and it all just feels like too much.

Who I am

  • a compassionate therapist who will support you in anything that ponders your mind day in and day out

  • an empathetic therapist who will listen to your stories from a non-judgmental place

Who you are

  • a whole and worthy person feeling stuck and lost in emotions and life struggles

  • a whole and worthy person feeling a little off these days

Your Space to Be Unapologetically You

Imagine doing something just for you amidst a week that felt like a dumpster fire. That's where I come in. 

My approach isn't about quick fixes; it's about lasting change. With a blend of lived experience and professional expertise, I offer a secure connection where you can be unapologetically you

I love doing this because of the meaningful connection we create, which is why I'm all about making this space feel like a cozy chat between friends

Seeing you thrive is my real reward.

"You matter. It’s time to put yourself on the priority list." - Harpreet Sahota


  • BSW, MSW, RSW, at your service.

  • Specializing in individual therapy, first-generation immigrant challenges, and support for nurses - because I know these battles inside and out.

  • A knack for finding joy and strength in the midst of struggle

  • CBT and DBT Certified

  • Additional Training in, IFS, Narrative Therapy

My Story

I'm happy to offer you a glimpse into my journey – a winding path that has led me here, ready to stand beside you as you begin on your unique road.

Therapy has been my companion, guiding me through life's twists and turns. It's empowered me to confront anxiety and depression, which have made their presence known during various life events – from navigating the world of relationships to overcoming challenges in school and work.

Learning the art of self-care is a commitment I practice each day, as it's a skill that requires constant nurturing. There was a time when I was always a busy bee, as sitting alone with my thoughts and emotions felt overwhelmingly daunting.

In this process, I discovered the powerful truth that I am enough, just as I am. This realization has become a cornerstone of my journey, guiding me in embracing my worth and helping my clients recognize that they too are enough. It's a lesson I carry with me as I walk alongside others on their paths.

Cultural identity has been another layer of my journey. Balancing the scales between tradition and modernity can be a bit intricate, yet it's a puzzle I get closer to solving everyday.

Throughout my journey, my own therapist has been a guiding light, reminding me that I'm never alone on this path. This experience has underscored the significance of a safe haven where thoughts and emotions are welcomed without judgment.

Therapy, for me, is a hidden recipe for life – a dash of understanding, and a pinch of growth. It's more than just a profession; it's a passion rooted in my personal journey.

One crucial aspect of therapy is that it's a place for my clients to lead the conversation. What they wish to discuss and what they choose not to talk about – both hold equal importance. It's your healing to navigate at your own pace.

Outside the world of therapy, I love spiking volleyballs, sharing laughter with family, and playing the role of a dedicated cat mom to Tuxedo, who's quite the character.

As you reflect on your own journey, remember that I'm here, eager to bring my support and positive energy to your path. Let's stride together toward healing and growth.

Let's Connect

I'm here, ready to listen, ready to support, and most importantly, ready to celebrate you. If you're looking for someone who gets the messy, beautiful, complicated bits of life, I think we might just be a great fit. Let's find out together.

I offer a flexible schedule because your well-being doesn’t fit into a neat 9-5 box.

"Every session is a step towards discovering how truly remarkable you are. Let's make this journey about you." - Harpreet Sahota

Ready for a change?

Reach out.